Everything You Need to Know about Renewal Screening Checks

Everything You Need to Know about Renewal Screening Checks

Tenant circumstances can change over time. Renewing screening checks helps you ensure that tenants' financial and personal situations are still suitable for the property. Regularly screening tenants ensures a consistent approach when evaluating all tenants, promoting fairness and compliance with fair housing laws. Why Are Renewal Screening Checks Important? Renewal screening checks are important for maintaining the quality and safety of your rental property and protecting your investment. There are many reasons why they are important, we have o…

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What to Do with Mail from Previous Tenants: Guide for Landlords

What to Do with Mail from Previous Tenants: Guide for Landlords

A common challenge landlords may encounter when renting out their home is dealing with mail from former renters, which can be unnecessarily time-consuming. In this guide, we will provide you with practical steps to stop receiving mail from previous renters and address related concerns. By following these suggestions, you can mitigate the issue and ensure a smoother transition for your rental property. How to Stop Receiving Mail from Previous Tenants When it comes to stopping mail addressed to former tenants, there are several actions you can t…

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Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

Noise complaints are a common issue faced by landlords, often causing tension between tenants and disrupting the peace. As a landlord, it’s crucial to address noise complaints promptly and effectively to ensure a harmonious living experience for all residents and keep tenants happy. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how you should deal with noise complaints, emphasizing the importance of communication, mediation, and proactive measures. Establish Clear Policies and Lease Agreements To proactively address noise-related issues, landlords should e…

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Holdover Tenant

Holdover Tenant

A holdover tenant refers to a tenant who remains in the rental unit after their lease has expired, without renewing or vacating the premises. By delving into the potential challenges, consequences, and strategies for dealing with holdover tenants, landlords will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to navigate this situation effectively and protect their interests. What Is a Holdover Tenant? Holdover tenancy occurs when a tenant continues to occupy the rental property beyond the expiration of their lease agreement, without the landlord's e…

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Rental Documents Landlords Need

Rental Documents Landlords Need

Renting out properties without having the proper documents can be a nightmare. If you don’t have all the necessary documents, you may have difficulty obtaining rent or may have trouble evicting tenants who aren't abiding by the terms of the lease. To avoid this, it’s important to have all the necessary documents in place before renting out a property. From lease agreements to rental payment histories, having the right documents can make all the difference. In this blog, we've listed all the documents landlords need to run a proper rental busine…

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